Here’s Your List of ‘Tri-State’s Biggest Giveaway’ Finalists!
Thank you to everyone who entered into our second "Tri-State's Biggest Giveaway" contest over the past few weeks!
We've narrowed it down from thousands of entries, and ONE is about to win a $5,000 kitchen makeover from Midwest Paints and Home Center featuring Waypoint Living Spaces! If you're on this list, you should have received an e-mail with instructions regarding the next step. If you DIDN'T receive an e-mail, please contact Sam at sam@y101radio.com so we can get you squared away! And if you see a name you recognize, make sure he/she sees this too! Click HERE for all the contest rules and details.
Adrianne Kewney |
Alex Boyd |
Allynn Hull |
Amanda Wetzel |
Amy Longo |
Amy Slaugh |
Angela Thomas |
Anita Brackett |
Attan Storck |
Betty Dude |
Brad Ashley |
Brad Deeter |
Brad Neiders |
Bria Gardner |
Brittney Foster |
Bryan Vanzile |
Came Nickell |
Casey Flower |
Casey McGee |
Char Cearlock |
Charles Bryson |
Chet Leasman |
Cindy Skibinskie |
Cindy Stephens |
Cody Hadsall |
Constance Kennedy |
Constance Sommerfield |
Crystal Daugherty |
Daeshawn Greene |
Dale Whitacre |
Dalton Rockhold |
Dana Golian |
Dave Barry |
David McConnell |
Deanna Koeller |
Dena Cannon |
Denise Smith |
Denise Snyder |
Destiny Jones |
Diana Weatherford |
Diane Campbell |
Diane Juette |
Dianna Perrine |
Dustin Buckaloo |
Dylan Brewer |
Eileen Fitch |
Eric Beaver |
Eric Foster |
Erica Dedert |
Erin Perry |
Fabian Velarde |
Heather Schreck |
Heather Wolfmeyer |
Hope Huff |
Hunter Freeman |
Jackie Young |
Jacob Stabler |
Jacob Zimmerman |
Kelsey Mann |
Jakay Hammock |
Jamie Franklin |
Jamie Hamby |
Janae Koenig |
Jarod Clark |
Jason Gibson |
Jay Weidon |
Jennifer Weiss |
Jessica Carroll |
Jill Charlton |
Jim Whitfield |
John Anderson |
Johnathan Manion |
Jonathan Strawbe |
Julie Geise |
Justin Kohl |
Justin Poage |
Justin Scott |
Kathy Hofmann |
Kathy Stuckman |
Kayla Obert |
Kayla Richie |
Kayrla Miles |
Keirra Kramer |
Keith Hoing |
Kelli Lambert |
Kent Anderson |
Keven Smith |
Kim Dormire |
Kim Obert |
Kim Santos |
Kim Straube |
KJ Cannon |
Kreshana Anderson |
Kristen Garrett |
Krystal DeTennei |
Lacey Johnson |
Lacey Tipton |
Larry Bland |
Leeyah Humphrey |
Linda Bier |
Lisa Kuhn |
Lisa Liesen |
Liz Shoemaker |
Lucas Dimmitt |
Lynn Mann |
Lynn Parks |
Mark McGlauchlen |
Martha Ott |
Mary Beth St. Clair |
Mary Wallace |
Matthew Hazelrigg |
Megan Stark |
Melissa Gilmore |
Michael Grubb |
Miriam Velard |
Nathan Schell |
Nick Merer |
Nikki Hightower |
Pat Trautretter |
Patti Hayden |
Polly Sprick |
Randi Donaldson |
Reese Kiel |
Rhonda Murry |
Rhonda Owens |
Riley Venverton |
Robert Wallace |
Robin Minor |
Robin Sharp |
Roger Morris |
Rose Finley |
Rossana Meyer |
Sarah Pritchett |
Savanna Parsons |
Stephanie Factor |
Steve Baker |
Steve Plunk |
Summer Thomas |
Susan Baumgartner |
Susan Hayes |
Susanne Ellerbrock |
Tabitha Werneth |
Tiana Lewis |
Tina Murry |
Tiria Humphrey |
Todd Witman |
Travis Dinkheller |
Vickie Miller |
Vicky Zanger |
Vonnie Tuekee |
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