Here Are Some Local People Who Should Be a Judge on ‘The Voice’
I was watching NBC's "The Voice" the other night and got to thinking about the judges that have been on the show. They seem to change out people who judge every year. Now it got me to thinking of some local people who should get a shot at being a replacement judge. Here are some of them.Why not Steve Eighinger of the Quincy Herald Whig. He has a vast knowledge of music plus over the years he has managed to get his picture with all the previous judges so he would be a natural. Why not Carlos Fernandez, the General Manager of WGEM-TV, the NBC affiliate in Quincy. He could simply say, either I am the next judge or I won’t televise the show anymore. An ultimatum could force the issue.
Why not Chad Douglas of KHQA’s Morning Show? The guy works from 5 to 7 a.m. every morning with great looking ladies so he would be ready for the Hollywood scene I am sure. Why not Ray Heilman, the retired QND Principal? Lets face it, Ray has heard just about ever version sung or performed of the National Anthem at the “Pit” so I would think he has the ability to critique performers.
Ready for this one? Why not J.W.CC board member Reggie Coleman? If you could get him to stop talking (the show only lasts so long) he would be a perfect fit. He could even jump on stage and sing a Barry White tune if they had extra time to fill. Rodney Hart would be a good one too. Since he owns a music store (Second String Music) it would be like music to his ears.
Why not Jack Cornell, a former player for the Baltimore Ravens in the NFL? I’d like to see someone question his decision. Blake Shelton would never question Jack if he knew what was good for him. Why not my buddy Dennis Oliver? His position requires him to listen to music without ever seeing the artists so he has the experience for the job.
As I write this, I just noticed that Alicia Keys will be paid several million dollars for judging this year. So forget all of the names above. I, Jeff Dorsey, am formally applying for any future position.
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