Hannibal Jaycees Raise $2,500 to Make Kids’ Christmas Brighter
If there were ever an organization that's all about having a good time for a good cause, it's the Hannibal Jaycees.
For the Jaycees, the good times come primarily from the Wing Ding in January, National Tom Sawyer Days in July and the Haunted House in October. And, a big part of the 'good cause' part comes in December.
As a result of their fund raising this fall, the Jaycees were able to make about $2,500 worth of donations of toys, clothes and household items to the Douglass Community Service's Adopt-A-Family program and the Salvation Army's Angel Tree. The Jaycees were able to adopt three families for Christmas and purchase items for five children from the Angel Tree.
And, the Hannibal Jaycees' Christmas parade resulted in the collection of dozens of toys for the Marine Corps' Toys for Tots program. Working through Douglass Community Services, the toys are distributed to children in Marion, Ralls and Lewis counties.
The Jaycees understand they wouldn't be able to do what they do if it weren't for the generosity of the community as they turn out to have a good time for a good cause.
If you'd like more information about the Hannibal Jaycees, contact Darrell McCoy at 573-231-6484.