Free Movie Under the Stars!!!
Westview Golf course is hosting a Movie Night Under the Stars! It is all going down this weekend, here is what you need to know about this FREE event!
Westview Golf course in Quincy is hosting a Movie Night Under the Stars on Saturday, June 29th. The movie they are showing is Aquaman! Aquaman will start at 8:45pm, right as the sunsets and the stars come out, so make sure to get their early with your blankets and lawn chairs to set your family with great seats. Westview will have their concession stands open as well during the showing of the movie for all your snack and drink needs.
For more information on this free showing of Aquaman as part of the Westview Golf course's Movie Under the stars series click here! And for more information on the Westview Golf course itself, and to see what other great events are going on there click here!
As always follow me on Twitter @MarkHespen and Instagram @MarkHespen.