Free Frontier Settlement Day is This Saturday in Quincy
The Friends of the Log Cabins are inviting folks to their 8th annual free Frontier Settlement Day on Saturday, September 10 from 11 to 4. The festival will be in the Lincoln-era Log Cabin Village on Quinsippi Island in Quincy. There will be ongoing activities throughout the day to include President Abe Lincoln (re-enactor Fritz Klein from Springfield) demonstrating how he use to split logs to make rails for fences when he was younger. Other activities include re-enactors demonstrating rope making, wool spinning, felt hat making, chair caning, and other pioneer crafts.
Children can experience how school was taught in the 1800's by writing on slate tablets and they can play Pioneer Games conducted by the Quincy Park District, a co-sponsor for the event. The Friends will have the 1800's Log Cabins and other structures open and decorated, as they would have been, when pioneers settled in this area in the 1800's. You are invited to come anytime between the hours of 11 to 4. Lunch is available, along with kettle corn and sarsaparilla.
The Frontier Settlement Day event is held each year to encourage folks to visit the Lincoln-era Log Cabin Village located on Quinsippi Island which is accessed via All America Park in Quincy on the riverfront off Bonansinga Drive. For more information, go to www.logcabinvillagequincyil.com.
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