An Iconic Quincy Mansion is On The Market (For Less Than You’d Think)
There are several houses in Quincy that I would love to see restored to their original character. This house is one of them. I hope someone can bring it back to life.
Located at 601 Spring, this home (known as the Meriam Mansion) has four bedrooms and four bathrooms and is listed for just $149,000. Not bad considering it's more than 4,600 square feet of historic Quincy architecture.
Now you know for a price like that, it's not going to be in pristine condition. Think of this more as an investment. I mean, it's a house flipper's dream! Just think of the potential!
What would I do? I am so glad you asked. I'd start by resurfacing the original hardwood floors, the grand staircase, and all of the trip. I'd clean up the original stain glass and modernize the kitchen with all new cabinets and fixtures. I'd look into knocking down a wall or two to have more of an open floor plan in the kitchen and dining areas. It also comes with an organ, so I'd have to find someone that knows a thing or two about restoring those to see if we can get that in working condition.
I would then clean-up the outside with new landscaping. I'd strip down and paint the porch (and I'd get a porch swing). I can just see if now! I would love to just go inside and see the whole house. I might have to set up an appointment for a walk-through.
I really need to stop watching Fixer Upper and Property Brothers.
This house comes with a lot of history too, which makes it even more special. Built in the 1800s, the house was first owned by Albert Meriam. It became the Daughtry Funeral Home in the 1920s and was sold in 1965. Most recently, it served as an apartment complex. Here's hoping someone can bring some new life into the historic home.
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