Want to Play For the Dark River Derby Coalition?
Have you any interest in being a part of this year's Dark River Derby Coalition team? If so now is the time to join the organization.
If you are over 18 years of age, can commit to one practice a week and want to make new friends (and would like to knock them down every once in a while) then you should sign up today at www.DarkRiverDerby.com. No experience in roller derby is needed to join and both men and women are welcomed to join.
The home season at Scotties Fun Spot at 8000 Broadway in Quincy runs from May through September with all games beginning at 8 p.m. Each night a portion of the proceeds will go to a non-profit organization. Tickets are $8 in advance and $10 at the door and kids 12 & under are admitted free of charge.
Listed below is the home schedule for this year's Great River Derby Coalition.
Date Opponent Beneficiary______________
May 11 Old Capitol City Roller Derby NEMO Humane Society
June 22 Twin City Derby Girls Quincy K-9 Connection
August 24 Demolition City Roller Derby Quincy Regional Crime Stoppers
September 14 Arch St. Lunachix Cheerful Home of Quincy