Trunk-or-Treat Event Planned Later This Month
Get ready trick-or-treaters, the Lutheran Church of St. John will be hosting a trunk-or treat later this month.

Mark your calendar for October 24th, the Lutheran Church of St. John will be hosting a trunk-or-treat starting at 4 pm. This will be a safe and socially distance trunk-or-treat to keep everyone safe who participates. Everyone is encouraged to dress up in your Halloween costumes and come enjoy the event.
Trick-or-treating will look very different this year, but there is always a silver lining to everything. The CDC, the IDPH, and the Quincy Mayor have not banned trick-or-treating and just recommend everyone practice social distance and wear a proper mask when out. So, you see Halloween is not cancelled.
Now, let’s just hope Mother Nature corporates, last year she made it snow. I'm gonna be honest, I haven’t bought my girls their costumes yet, maybe this weekend, but there are a few events taking place this Halloween to keep the holiday fun for all.