Yard Waste Collection will resume in Quincy the week of March 16. At that time Evans Recycling will collect yard waste in marked containers and the special yard waste paper bags.
The City of Quincy has announced that "Yard Waste Collection" will resume in Quincy the week of March 18. Evans Recycling will again be collecting yard waste in marked containers and the special yard waste paper bags.
Yard Waste Collection will resume in Quincy beginning today, March 19. Once again today Evans Recycling will collect yard waste in marked containers and the special yard waste paper bags.
Yard Waste Collection will resume in Quincy the week of March 14. At that time Evans Recycling will collect yard waste in marked containers and the special yard waste paper bags.
I'd say a few tree limbs took the brunt of the heavy wet snow we received over the weekend. Tree limbs lying on the ground were noticeable everywhere. Now the process of cleaning up those limbs is underway or will be shortly. The problem is you only have until this Friday to have the City of Quincy pick them up.