This Friday night will be the 5th of 6 installments of "Blues in the District" at Washington Park in Quincy as the local group Soul Shaker takes to the bandstand.
The first 2016 Lunch in the Park with the Mayor is set for this Wednesday, June 22, from noon to 1 p.m. in Washington Park at 5th and Maine Streets. This is the first in a series of three summer lunches that will be scheduled during 2016.
The District has announced the dates for the 2016 Blues in the District concerts. The first Blues in the District concert is set for June 10 with five other concerts set for June, July and August. This will mark the 20th season for the Blues in the District Concert series. Expect me to be in Washington Park in just 126 days next to "my" rock (see above) again this summer.
The August "Lunch in the Park" with Quincy Mayor Kyle Moore is set for August 18th from noon to 1 p.m. in Washington Park located at 5th and Maine Streets in Quincy. This is the final in a series of summer lunches that were scheduled during 2015.
The District has announced that this Friday’s Blues in the District will be held on schedule. The Blues in the District concert featuring Coyote Bill will be this Friday, July 24 from 5:30 to 9:30 p.m. The concert is free and held in Washington Park.
It seems like I just sat down to enjoy the first performance of Blues in the District and here it is the last concert of the season tonight already. Where does the time go. They say time flies when you are having fun so I guess I shouldn't be surprised the final concert is upon us.
The summer tradition of Blues in the District continues tonight when Marquise Knox performs in a free concert at Washington Park. Marquise was born and raised in St. Louis and handles his guitar with the best of them. A guitar he learned to play from his grandmother. With Knox's performance tonight only two more Blues in the District events remain for the summer.
I received a newsletter this morning from The District in Quincy. In it, Travis Brown of wrote the following, “As Independence Day came and went, we have noticed that the American flags throughout The District are becoming more tattered and worn. This doesn't reflect well upon our City or our patriotism as a community, and The District is organizing an effort to change this.”