My family (pictured above) is ready to walk to help Dennis and all the others to end this terrible Alzheimer's Disease. Why not have your family do likewise?
This year's Walk to End Alzheimer's on September 12, will be taking place, but it will look quite different than past years thanks to the COVID-19 pandemic.
I was asked by the National Alzheimer's Association office in Chicago if I would submit my story as to why I will be at the Walk to End Alzheimer's in Quincy on Saturday, September 15th at Clat Adams Park. Here is that story.
Guess who is walking in September’s Walk to End Alzheimer's? Dennis Oliver, who has been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s Disease, will be walking on Saturday, September 16 at Clat Adams Park. Dennis is inviting everyone to fight Alzheimer’s and walk with him that morning.
On September 16th the Walk to End Alzheimer's will be held at Clat Adams Park in Quincy. If you would like to walk or raise money for the Alzheimer's Association, simply sign up as a team or an individual and the Alzheimer's Association will help you reach your goal.
By now you know there’s some fundraising Comedy Roast to fight Alzheimer’s coming up this Saturday night at the Elks Lodge. They say a good laugh can cure a lot of problems and there will be many laughs Saturday night as I sit in the hot seat getting roasted. Well, a laugh won’t cure Alzheimer’s Disease, but it might take your mind off of this dreaded disease even for just an hour or so. If that h
This Saturday is the 20th Annual Walk to End Alzheimer's at Clat Adams Park in Quincy. Many teams are gearing up and raising much needed funds to help the Central Illinois Chapter reach its goal!
The 18 Annual Walk to End Alzheimer's will be held at Clat Adams Park on Thursday, September 3 in Quincy. This year's goal for the fundraiser is $70,000. The money is raised by the many individuals and businesses who donate to the cause. One such business is the Butcher Block, where they will be holding their annual Alzheimer's Cookout today from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.