It was about five years ago when I was working on a fence post in my yard when I disturbed a nest of bees who came swarming out of the ground and attacked me. I was swatting them away and the more I swatted the more they kept coming. After several stings, I decided swatting was not the right approach and I just stood a still as possible. How I did it is beyond me. The bees were crawling all over
I knew it would eventually get to this, and it finally has. Golf is cutting the course by nine holes to attract more players. To play an 18-hole round of golf takes approximately 4 or 5 hours, and that maybe about two hours too long for some people.
There appears to be a change coming in the restaurant business. That change has to do with how we as customers pay our bill and the way we tip our server.
Today is "Change Your Password Day". In a day and age where security is paramount you will be amazed how many people select a popular password for their online accounts.
It is a topic that most people really don't want to deal with, but deal with it we must. That topic is death and the questions that follow. Where do you want to be buried? Do you want a visitation? What kind of casket do you want? Ah, the casket question! It is a question that little by little is changing to "what kind of urn would you like when you pass away?"
I was reading with interest a short story about police departments in the November 16 edition of Time Magazine. The article entitled "Why America Needs More Female Cops" caught my attention.
The practice of giving allowance to children seems to be going away. That could be good or it could be bad. When I was a kid, I don’t recall getting allowance. My brother and I would make our own money early in life by shoveling driveways and sidewalks in the neighborhood.
I was reading a Time Magazine when I came across in bold print the following....$81.29. It caught my eye and I read on to find out that for $81.29 one can buy a 200 rocket fireworks package that will explode and form the shape of the buyers face. It would also be visible from up to 20 miles.
I was recently at a meeting when the speaker starting saying that his organization would be utilizing social media including Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, and before he could reel off another option, was interrupted with a comment from an elderly person who said “What the hell are you talking about?”