Teachers in the Quincy Public School System are threatening a strike if no agreement is reached with the School District. So who do you support in this argument?
The high profile Curtis Lovelace murder trial got underway in Adams County Circuit Court this morning, almost 10 years after he allegedly killed his wife Cory on Valentine’s Day of 2006. His arrest and murder charges didn’t take place until August of 2014. One thing is for certain, the trial will attract national media attention.
The 23rd Annual Showcase of Excellence will be held at Quincy Senior High School on Saturday, March 14. The event will be held from 8 a.m. to 11 p.m. at a cost of only $10 for adults and $8 for students.
The days of "Summer Vacation" are winding down for school children in the area and with it comes the need for purchasing school supplies for the upcoming school year. The cost of these supplies are continuing to go up like everything else. With that in mind, the "Stuff the Bus" campaign will be held this Friday and Saturday.