A truck driver just outside of Pekin, Illinois saw something around 8 feet tall along the roadside and he's shared his full name and exact location of the encounter.
I don't mean to offend, but I generally have low expectations for Pekin, Illinois. It's fine. I just don't get my hopes up too much. Even with that low bar, I've just learned something that stunned me. The fact that Pekin, Illinois really used to deeply believe (literally) that they had a direct connection to China.
A funny thing happened the other day in a neighborhood in Illinois. You might want to sit down for this. An owl decided he wanted to be a cowboy and stole a horse broom. There's video showing what happened next.
If a new UFO share is real, extraterrestrials may be geometry fans. The reason I say that is it appears a craft shaped like a triangle disappeared into an Illinois thunderstorm cloud in a new video.
When it comes to food, a bird's gotta do what a bird's gotta do. A new video proves that size doesn't matter as a tiny Illinois bird did a funky dance to scare off a competitor.