The Mississippi River that borders Missouri has plenty of dangers all its own without adding sharks to the equation. You'd think you'd be safe from that worry, but sharks swimming up the Mississippi River as far north as Missouri happens more often than you think.
I often wonder why science even asks questions like this. What would happen to Missouri if a comet hit the Gulf of Mexico? In what would likely be the worst day ever, you could at least look forward to lots of surfing opportunities.
I love the Mississippi and Missouri rivers. They've always made home feel like home. For many that aren't fortunate to live near them, scenic cruises provide an opportunity to experience them and one with many Missouri stops was just named one of the prettiest in America.
I have a goal each day to be a calm and understanding person that is patient with ideas from others. However, I'm pretty sure the person who came up with the plan to divert the water from the Mississippi River to save California is out of their mind.
If you think your state has more snake-infested rivers than Missouri, you're wrong. Simple as that. I have proof that no state has more reptiles in rivers waiting to ruin your day than Missouri does right now.
I am not an environmentalist, but I do love Missouri's many rivers. That's why it makes me sad to be the messenger that a new 2024 ranking has one of the mightiest that also happens to be one of the most polluted in America and there's no realistic way to save it now.
I wouldn't go changing my plans because of this if I were you, but you deserve to know that a time traveler is warning Missouri about a nuclear power plant that he believes is about to explode and wait till you hear where it's going to happen and what he claims will be the aftermath.