
See the Gangs in St. Louis, Missouri and Their Neighborhoods
See the Gangs in St. Louis, Missouri and Their Neighborhoods
See the Gangs in St. Louis, Missouri and Their Neighborhoods
I had a guy I used to work with around 30 years ago who had been a former gang member. The stories he told me were terrifying. It's a lifestyle I've fortunately avoided in my life, but the reality is if you spend any time in St. Louis, Missouri, you're near gangs whether you want to be or not. I found helpful guides to show you what gangs are in the big city and where they reside.
This Illinois Reddit Map Showing State Rivalry Slogans is Spot On
This Illinois Reddit Map Showing State Rivalry Slogans is Spot On
This Illinois Reddit Map Showing State Rivalry Slogans is Spot On
Just because all of the Midwest states exist in the same part of America doesn't mean we all like each other. As a matter of fact, most of the time the opposite is true. It's likely that competitive venom that led to a hilarious Illinois map on Reddit that shows a spot-on prediction of what each state really thinks of its neighbors.

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