Kelly’s and the YMCA will host the annual St. Patrick’s Day Fun Run/Walk this Sunday. This race has been an Irish tradition in Quincy for over 30 years.
You’ve probably seen the entryway to Kelly’s many a time (maybe more so this time of year) and and thought nothing of it.
Mother Nature wasn't nice this morning for the Kelly's Fun Run/Walk for the Quincy YWCA as snowy and windy conditions prevailed. Despite those elements, a great turnout made the trek through the streets of Quincy Sunday morning. Once Kevin Reed fired off the cannon hundreds of runners and walkers took off.
Over 300 runners and walkers turned out for the Annual Kelly's St. Patrick's Day Fun Run/Walk for the benefit of the Quincy YWCA. With the blast of Kevin Reed's cannon they were off and running or walking at 9:39 Sunday morning.