I grew up surrounded by those clumps of daffodils in the woods near my home, their bright yellow blooms signaling the arrival of spring year after year. But it wasn't until recently that I stumbled upon the historical significance behind those cheerful flowers.
I do believe in accepting responsibility when you do something wrong and that principle works the same for states, too. When it comes to the worst place to live in Illinois, the blame needs to be placed where it really belongs and that's in Indiana.
I suspected this was happening, but now I can prove it with science. Illinois is under an invasion from the east. Probably a zillion Hoosiers are choosing to call the Land of Lincoln home and that's only a slight exaggeration.
I love gravy and I love rollercoasters. If you do too, boy do I have a wonderous destination idea for 2024. It's a 'gravy coaster' that will be an easy day trip from Missouri by next Spring.
This isn't a typical place where you see an earthquake happen. No, it wasn't major, but it was felt by dozens of people in Illinois and by those living on the Indiana border as confirmed by the USGS.
A school in Gary, Indiana has made a major change to what they let their kids bring to school, and there are already people thinking this change should make its way to the Land of Lincoln. Here are the details...
During the historic tornado outbreak on Friday, March 31, 2023, a sheriff's deputy in Indiana suddenly realized he was in the wrong place at the wrong time. His dashcam video captured the moment he found himself inside of an intense tornado that was lashing his windshield with debris.