My dad told me when I was a kid to appreciate my youth because that was the one time in your life when you have options. Little did I understand how right he was and that appears true for many as a new study claims as many as 2 out of every 5 in Missouri feel like they are 'trapped'.
The idea of 'living comfortably' is such a subjective thing. Income that is comfortable for one person might seem like poverty to another. However, there is a national average which is being used to compare Illinois towns and cities to decide which ones are the most comfortable in the state.
I have mentioned before my history of being born and raised in Missouri, but I also have many friends and family who either live in Texas now or have in the past. They can tell you that anyone moving to Missouri from Texas with certain expectations are in for a real shock.
As a Missouri homeowner, this is disturbing on a lot of levels. The United States of America is reportedly seeing an alarming rise in underwater mortgages and Missouri is one state among those suffering the most.
I am without words. OK, so I have a few, but my point is I'm still recovering from the shock of seeing a Missouri place named a top 5 emerging housing market when it's rare to hear anything positive said about it at all.
If we're being honest with each other, not many saw this one coming. I am a fan of this underrated Illinois place, but even I was shocked to see it named the hottest housing market in America by major publications.
I did not expect this at all. Despite perceptions about housing challenges in St. Louis, Missouri, the big city suddenly is ranked near the top in one very important housing statistic.