Between games of the doubleheader popular Chicago disc jockey Steve Dahl held an anti-disco event in Chicago called Disco Demolition Night. What took place was total chaos.
It was July 12, 1979 when popular Chicago DJ Steve Dahl conducted an anti-disco uprising between games of a Chicago White Sox doubleheader at Comiskey Park in Chicago.
With the regular season for baseball now over and the playoffs underway, I thought it would be a good time to review the picks I made back in March when the 2014 Major League Baseball season opened. Here is what I wrote back on March 28.
Major League baseball is underway with its post season play so I thought this would be a good time for me to take a look at how my pre-season picks went for this baseball year and pick the World Series winner.
It was one of the greatest pitching performances in World Series history and it happened 45 years ago today as Bob Gibson of the St. Louis Cardinals struck out 17 Detroit Tiger batters in Game One of the World Series in St. Louis.
With the All-Star game behind us it is on to the second half of the Major League Baseball season. It makes a good time to look back at my picks at the beginning of the season and see just where I am with my selections.