The Quincy Aeronautics Committee will be hosting two Town Hall meetings to hear from each airline and provide time for the public comments and questions.
By now you have heard that the City of Quincy is reviewing options for air service for Quincy. Basically, it came down to Sky West or Boutique Airlines. The initial choice was Boutique Air but the City Council had second thoughts and has recommended Sky West to the U.S. Department of Transportation for approval. This decision may have other ramifications.
The Illinois Veterans Home Quincy and WGEM-TV announced that the 2014 Fourth of July fireworks celebration will once again be held on the Illinois Veterans Home grounds in 2014. This is the third time in the past four years that the event has taken place there.
Things happen in life when you just have to drop what you are doing and get to a distant location as soon as possible. Usually it's an accident or death involving a family member. In those times an unplanned trip must be put together on short notice. It is for those times that the airline industry formulated a bereavement policy that almost every airline provided to their customers. Those policies
With the expected weather, Cape Air and Quincy Regional Airport began notifying passengers last night that the last three flights today (Tuesday, February 4) would be preemptively cancelled, according to Jarred Hester, the Quincy Regional Airport Manager.