It's like watching two worlds collide. A new list of the Illinois places that have the hottest average temperatures also includes an infamous place that has been declared among the most abandoned towns in America, too.
Every time I think I understand technology, something like this happens. During some recent research involving artificial intelligence, a strange conversation took place where the bots issued sudden warnings about Illinois places I should avoid at all costs.
Sometimes it's better not to revisit the past. This is a perfect example. It's a southern Illinois hospital that has been abandoned for more than 40 years that many believe is haunted. There are pictures and videos to prove that theory true.
It truly used to be the pride of Illinois and saw explosive growth. Now this once-great Illinois place has seen massive decay and abandonment and is described as the city that 'America has forgotten'. A new journey through it proves this sadly remains true.
It's not October. but year round people from all over visit this Illinois town. Once a highly populated and successful town has now been almost deserted and abandoned
I admit that I don't always agree with assertions the internet makes, but in this case I do. A recent visit by a prominent YouTuber highlighted what he believes is the 'most destroyed' town in Illinois and he's not wrong. It is way past the point of no return sadly.
I did a double-take the moment I saw this and I predict you will also. Did you know that there are 25 Illinois cities with a higher crime rate than Chicago? It's true and I have the numbers to prove it.
I found a claim that I think is worth debating. Is Illinois really home to the most dangerous ghost town in America? Some statistics say yes, but let's dig deeper to see if it's really true.
One of the more prolific YouTube personalities when it comes to places has just named Cairo, Illinois as the worst ghost town in the Midwest. Let's explore why their decline has become so infamous.