I used to love to read books. I'd be smarter now if I hadn't stopped, but that's another issue for a different day. If you have books that you no longer want or need, there are 5 places in Missouri that you can donate them that will truly help others.
Illinois will be the first state in the country to have laws banning your ability to ban books, a banning on a ban...Here are the details you need to know.
It's not easy being a superhero or undead these days. There are reports that among the newly-banned books in Missouri schools you'll find Batman, The X-Men and The Walking Dead.
Just about everyone has heard of the infamous UFO crash near Roswell, New Mexico in 1947. But, did you know there was allegedly a UFO crash six years before that in Missouri? A book claims that crash is true.
As we all know, Mark Twain wrote a lot of books in his lifetime. There is one, however, that he allegedly wrote after he was dead. It's called Jap Herron and it dates back to 1917 with a sordid story about how it was published.