The American Red Cross is putting out the call for blood donors to resupply the stock that has dwindled over the summer. You can help today, Monday Aug. 17, at a blood drive in Hannibal co-sponsored by Y101 Radio. You may also find out if you've been exposed to COVID-19 because the Red Cross is now testing for antibodies.
October is Fire Prevention Month and the Quincy Fire Department is doing its part to make people safer by providing FREE smoke detectors to Quincy residents.
The Macomb Fire and Police Departments are teaming with the American Red Cross for a blood drive to see who can recruit the most eligible donors in their community to donate blood.
Last year, AAA estimated that more than 98 million will people will travel during the holidays. The holiday season can be a busy time for many with seasonal activities, celebrations and traveling. And this also means fewer donors take the time to give blood and traveling. The American Red Cross is asking eligible donors to make sure a blood platelet donation is on their holiday to do list. By doin