Preventative measures are being administered by the Adams County Courthouse to protect the staff, as well as the public, from the spread of the COVID-19 Coronavirus.
Advocacy Network for Children is planning a flag raising ceremony in honor of April being National Child Abuse Awareness & Prevention Month. The flag raising ceremony is to honor child victims who have been abused, neglected, or have lost their life to abuse or neglect over the years.
It was a matter of time before the Curtis Lovelace murder trial would be back into the national spotlight. Week ago the case was a highlighted story for People Magazine and this Saturday the case goes nationwide on CBS Television.
The high profile Curtis Lovelace murder trial got underway in Adams County Circuit Court this morning, almost 10 years after he allegedly killed his wife Cory on Valentine’s Day of 2006. His arrest and murder charges didn’t take place until August of 2014. One thing is for certain, the trial will attract national media attention.
The Adams County Courthouse was the scene this morning for the first court appearance of Stefan Crider, Jr. and Julia Crider, the father and step-mother of the man accused of murdering 12-year-old Rayshone Humphrey Jr., and it was not without an incident.
Advocacy Network for Children is planning a flag raising ceremony in honor of April being National Child Abuse Awareness & Prevention Month. The flag raising ceremony is to honor child victims who have been abused, neglected, or have lost their life to abuse or neglect over the years. The event will take place on Monday, April 27, at noon on the 5th Street side of the Adams County Courthouse,
Advocacy Network for Children is teaming with the Adams County State’s Attorney Victim/Witness Program to honor April as Child Abuse Awareness & Prevention Month and National Crime Victims’ Rights Week.