Quincyan To Host Benefit for Stem Cell Transplant
For 13 years, Quincyan Sarah Keller Campbell, a nurse at Blessing Hospital, has fought death and won, many times. This summer, it seemed the end was inevitable as her medical team at the Mayo Clinic referred her to hospice care. This week, Sarah celebrated her 32nd birthday, and with your help and an experimental stem cell transplant, Sarah has a shot at a new life.
" I have the honor and privilege of getting to celebrate my 1st Birthday this December and the start of my new life – free from Antiphospholipid Antibody Syndrome and Lupus Anticoagulant disease. It’s a mouthful to say, but an even greater challenge to live with it," Sarah said.
Sarah's new medical team in Chicago tells her that if this transplant works as expected, she will be completely healed and will be able to live as if her medical history never happened. "The idea is just so surreal--this is something neither my husband Jeremy and I ever thought would happen," Sarah told me.
This Saturday, November 24, Sarah's family and friends have planned a huge benefit to help with the medical costs for the transplant. It starts at 5pm at the Knights of Columbus Hall in Hannibal. There will be food, beer, raffles and an auction If you can't attend, donations can be mailed to Campbell Benefit, 56399 Janapas Trail, Hannibal, MO 63401.
"I do not know what I have done to deserve all this love and support, not just from friends and family but from the entire community. I truly wish I could express our immense gratitude for all the outpouring of prayers, love, support, and generosity this community has shown," she said. "I wouldn't have a chance if it weren't for all of you. You are truly giving Jeremy and I a gift of life we only dreamed about."
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