Quincy Street Resurfacing Projects to Begin!
It doesn't take a lot of driving over the streets of Quincy before you realize they are in need of repair. The number one question for drivers is when are they going to actually do the work? Well, here is your answer at least for the next few weeks. Beginning today and for the next four weeks, Diamond Construction Company will begin mill and resurfacing projects at several locations throughout the city of Quincy. The streets to be resurfaced as part of the 2018 Motor Fuel Tax Asphalt Maintenance Program are listed below.
Maple Street ...4th to 5th
Colonial Court
Kenwood Avenue...College to Elm
Forrest Avenue......College to Elm
Oakland Avenue....College to Elm
Larch Road
Ranchland Drive
South 23rd Street...Cherry Lane to Brookmeade Drive
South 15th Street...Madison to Jefferson
South 23rd Street...Van Buren to Jackson
Obviously, motorists should try to avoid these areas and utilize alternate routes if possible.
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