Missouri Man with Metal Detector Found This 1938 Australian Coin
There are certain things you can expect to happen in Missouri. The weather will change radically inside of a 10 minute period. Mushrooms will be found in Spring. Mosquitos will make outside life kind of miserable in July. One Missouri man did something very unexpected though when he went metal detecting and found a more than 80 year old Australian coin.

One of my favorite Missouri metal detecting YouTube channels (yes, there is more than one) is MO Digging. This guy has the Midas touch when it comes to finding stuff. Seriously, just check out his massive amount of finds from just one expedition.
How in the world did an Australian coin end up in the woods of Missouri? Did we have an undocumented visit from Crocodile Dundee? Asking for a friend.
I did some digging of my own (online) and found this 1938 Australian penny isn't really that rare. They're easily found on Ebay for about 5 bucks. The Andrew Jackson and Susan B Anthony coins might be worth more all by themselves.
I've always wanted but have never actually had a decent metal detector. If I could find half of the cool stuff the guy on the MO Digging YouTube channel does, I'd be a happy man. Perhaps I should consider a metal detector investment? (or birthday gift?) Hint, hint.
If you find scrounging around for interesting metal things in the Missouri woods, I highly recommend following the MO Digging YouTube channel.
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