Dwyer & Michaels Morning Show: Show Notes Thursday 09/26/24
This is your one-stop shop for everything that happens throughout the Dwyer & Michaels Morning Show - in studio photos, the videos discussed, and goofy stuff that we find throughout the show.
The Show Notes are brought to you by Pawn Central.
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The Dwyer & Michaels Halloween Ball
Fall is here, so it's time to get ready for the annual Dwyer & Michaels Halloween Costume Ball.
Every year, we hold the largest Halloween costume party in the Quad Cities and we give away cold hard cash in prizes. Tickets are on sale now!
White Sox Held Out Once Again
In the next to last home game of the season, the White Sox held out once again from becoming the losingest team in MLB history.
On Tuesday night when they won to hold out against the record, the fans weren't even excited, and actually booed as the win lights and music played.
The past few losses the team's X account hasn't even posted final scores, but some kind of quippy message saying they did not win.
Caitlin Had A Fan Ejected Last Night
In the first quarter of Fever Playoff Game 2, Caitlin had the refs eject a fan who was jawing at her the whole first part of the game.
Caitlin Clark and fan exchange words leading to security approaching the fan during game 2 of Fever vs Sun playoff matchup
byu/Drext833 insports
Scorpions Announce Residency
The Scorpions announced their 60th Anniversary "Coming Home" tour, which starts with a longterm residency in Vegas.
They chose Buckcherry as their opener, which is a weird choice. When Hairball saw them, an all-girl Swedish band called THUNDERMOTHER opened for them, and kicked ass.
Disneyland Guest Drug Out In Handcuffs
Video came out yesterday of a Disneyland guest being drug out of the park in handcuffs while her kids hung onto her screaming for help. The mom reportedly tried to pass the kids off as under the age of 2 to get them into the park for free, which, judging by the ability to speak not like a 2 year old, they're above the age of 2.
The Most Badass Horrifically Illegal Thing You'll See Today
There's things that are very illegal and very dangerous that some people try to do, and usually it turns out bad, but sometimes when it turns out good, it's awesome.
Like this guy popping a wheelie on his motorcycle at high speed while firing two roman candle cannons off at the same time.
Man Accused of Flying Drone Near Boston Marathon Finish Line
A guy got busted after flying his drone in restricted airspace near the finish line of the Boston Marathon. The police used a special new tool to pull the drone down on its own power, and tracked it back to the owner.
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