Missouri has had some interesting sky events this year already with the historic eclipse and several occasions when the Northern Lights have been visible over the state. Early Thursday morning, there was yet another surprise as red auroras were clearly viewable in many locations over Missouri thanks to a sudden solar storm.

Dan Bush of Missouri Skies captured this neat time-lapse video from Albany, Missouri where his camera picked up red auroras just after 4:30am Thursday morning.

Space Weather says a CME hit the Earth's atmosphere early today causing these rare red flares visible in Missouri and even further south in some places.

But, wait, there's more

There could be another repeat this weekend as Space Weather says "it could flare up again this weekend when one to two more CMEs are expected to arrive".

There's an easy way to see if the red auroras are set to appear over Missouri again as you can get nearly real-time reports from NOAA's Space Weather Experimental Aurora Dashboard.

Northern Lights Over Missouri on May 10, 2024

Gallery Credit: Doc Holliday, Townsquare Media

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