If it makes you feel any better, most snakes will leave you alone if you leave them alone. It probably will not make you feel better to know that Missouri's most snake-infested lake is 40,000 acres of vipers and many of them are venomous.

My family went for a hike around a lake in Missouri today and I was the one with my eyes on the ground looking for hints of preying eyes. This is the time of year when many snakes around lakes will warm themselves in the sun on a trail so I was on the watch. There is one Missouri lake in particular where you need to have eyes in the back of your head to make sure you don't tread on unwelcome territory.

A-Z Animals says that there are 4 lakes in Missouri that are what they describe as the most snake-infested. #1 is a man-made monster of a lake occupying 40,000 acres. It's also the deepest lake in Missouri plunging 220 downward. I'm talking, of course, about Table Rock Lake.

Wandering Block via YouTube
Wandering Block via YouTube

They mention that you'll find water snakes, ring-necked snakes, western rat snakes, and pygmy rattlesnakes. They forgot to mention water moccasins also known as cottonmouths. Table Rock Lake's official Facebook page even admitted that water moccasins are a common sight there.

A few years ago, there were a rash of water moccasin sightings near Table Rock Lake after a big rain.

Many in Missouri will claim that copperhead snakes are more aggressive than other snakes, but I've never known that to be true. Most of the snakebites I've seen or heard about involved someone accidentally reaching or stepping on a place one of these snakes was hiding.

That's one reason why you want to be extra careful if you're spending recreation time around Table Rock Lake. More than likely there are diamond eyes nearby.

See the Secret River that Flows Under St. Louis, Missouri

Gallery Credit: Oddity Odysseys via YouTube

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