Attention "Foodies" out of all the cities and towns in Illinois there's only one according to the experts you need to visit to get your "full."

If you said Chicago, you get a gold star, and are you really surprised but their findings? In fact, not only is it the best city for foodies, but U.S. News ranks Chicago 3rd out of 50 cities to visit for food this year.

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It's a city filled with different cultures that bring their love of food to the Windy City. Every time I visit I attempt to try something different. I am not an adventurous food eater, but if it is something that looks good I might try it. Most of the time I pass.

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I can't even eat one of the most famous foods you can get in Chicago...a hot dog. Well, a Chicago-Style Hot Dog. It smells awful, it tastes gross, and how can you eat something with so much stuff on top? I guess you have to be from Chicago and a "foodie" to appreciate it.

Top 10 Foodie Cities

Chicago might be the only city in Illinois to visit, but there are plenty of places to indulge yourself when it comes to trying local cuisine. According to U.S. News, there are the top 5 cities for foodies:

  1. New Orleans
  2. New York City
  3. Chicago
  4. Los Angelas
  5. San Francisco

I see NYC is over Chicago...just sayin'

LOOK: Food history from the year you were born

From product innovations to major recalls, Stacker researched what happened in food history every year since 1921, according to news and government sources.

Gallery Credit: Joni Sweet

LOOK: 15 formerly popular foods in America that are rarely eaten today

Stacker researched the history of popular foods, from Jell-O salads to Salisbury steak, and highlighted 15 that are no longer widely consumed.

Gallery Credit: Stacker

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