Starting Thursday January 9th on the campus at Missouri Western State University in St. Joseph, the 2025 Great Plains Growers Conference gets underway

The conference runs until Saturday January 11th and will bring together commercial fruit and vegetable producers along with specialty crops and hobbyists from several mid-western states including; Missouri, Iowa, Kansas, Nebraska, South Dakota and others.

google maps/Missouri Western State U.
google maps/Missouri Western State U.

Focusing on networking and helping each other succeed by sharing observations and wisdom from research specialists and long-time growers spanning the region.

The Keynote speaker this year is Paul Rasch from Wilson’s Orchard near Iowa City, Ia. Rasch will touch on how to take advantage of the recent trend of consumers focusing on locally sourced food choices.

google maps/Wilson's Orchard
google maps/Wilson's Orchard

There will be workshops, a tasting event from a local brewer River Bluff (hard cider), and a trade show with all of the newest products for 2025. If you are in the fruits and vegetables market, or even nut orchards you could glean valuable information by attending.

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Gallery Credit: Stephen Lenz

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