What is Your Favorite Christmas Song?
If you ask people if they like Christmas music, most would say yes, but there are a few who could do without it. At the top of this website page there is a place to click to listen to continuous Christmas Music. It is on my computer in my office all day long. In listening, I have my favorites and then there are others I really don't like at all.
One of my favorites is 'O Holy Night' and another is 'Happy Christmas,' which came out after the Vietnam War ended, which meant my brother would no longer be over in Southeast Asia.
On the other side, 'I'll Be Home for Christmas' is way too sad for my liking, and Don Charles' and his Singing Dogs version of 'Jingle Bells' is way off of my chart for listening.
Now you know my tastes so what are yours? What is your favorite and least favorite Christmas song?