If you love comics, movies and wrestling, you'll want to save some dates in April as a Darth Vader, Marvel artist and WWE star are on their way to Hannibal.
I'm not normally a fan of copying other people's ideas, but I'll make an exception in this case. There's a very popular food truck festival happening in Missouri this weekend and we completely need to do this in the Quincy/Hannibal area.
If you're a fan of Little House on the Prairie and The Wizard of Oz, you'll want to save the date for an upcoming celebration in Hannibal as those two worlds will combine in October.
We are nearing the loudest event held in the tri-state area every year and I mean that as a compliment. It's the Palmyra Young Farmer's Super Pull at the Marion County Fairgrounds and I've found some vintage moments from the past to get you ready for this year's event.
Many have witnessed the classic Grand Prix of Karting in Quincy's South Park over the years, but not nearly as many know what it's like to really take a kart along the course. Thanks to a video share, you can see it through a driver's eyes.
The Quincy Derby is set for June 18, 2022 at 18th & Quintron Way. There will be two Eagle derby cars in the event and you can be behind the wheel. Here's how to make that happen.